Dear Graduate
I’ve been thinking about you this time of the year, and remembering how it felt to be just on the edge of adulthood and anticipating a new season of life. (It’s been five years, so I’m entitled to a sentimental sigh or two, right?) The excitement, the uncertainty, the unique mixture of sadness over leaving the past and the thrill of finally being done with school and ready to conquer the world! I also think about the struggles you’re going to face over the next few years, and I want to try and make the way just a little smoother for you by sharing some things I’ve learned. In fact,…
Yes, Jesus Loves Me
Ah, the favorite children’s song! At our church, we have a tradition that if your birthday falls on a service day, you get to pick your favorite hymn as part of the congregational singing. And this is the most chosen song by the little ones! As a child, you don’t doubt that Jesus loves you—it’s just a simple truth that you accept and rest in. But sometimes, as you get older, life hits. You realize what a big and broken world you live in. It’s easy to begin to wonder, With all the wars and the crime and the big things going on, how can such a great God take…
Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see, Hail the incarnate Deity, Pleased as man with men to dwell, Jesus, our Emmanuel! Hark, the herald angels sing, "Glory to the newborn King." Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us (Matt. 1:23). God, manifest in the flesh, with us in a sin-sick world. Almighty Lord and Creator of heaven and earth, left His glory and took on human flesh. God, inside a human body. He did not stop being God; rather, He became fully God and fully man. One night in Bethlehem, the…
When Direction Doesn’t Come Easy
“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).” Though often quoted tritely, this verse is a precious promise from the Lord and one that you and I may claim. Today, I’d like to share some things that the Lord has been teaching me personally this summer. I’m speaking from where I am in life right now; but since all of us will find ourselves here at one time or another, I hope that this can be an encouragement to you wherever you are at. I don’t really have answers,…
Set Up a Stone
“Father, why is this pile of stones here by the river?” the little boy lifted up a questioning face to his father. The man glanced down at his son and smiled. “To remind us of how the Lord Jehovah brought us into the land. He made the waters of Jordan to part, so that we passed over on dry ground.” The little boy clutched his father’s hand more tightly. “Like He did at the Red Sea?” “Yes, like that. The priests carried the ark into the river first. As long they held the ark in the middle of Jordan, the Lord kept the water back. He has done many great…
Missions Moment: Interview with Beth
Hey friends! I am so very excited about today’s post. Beth, a family friend and missionary to Zambia from our church, kindly agreed to do this interview. Her example of following Jesus is such an encouragement to me! I was so blessed by what she shared and I know you will be as well. If you’d like to learn more about Zambia, support Beth, or sign up to receive her newsletters, you can visit her ministry website here at I know she would so appreciate your prayers! Naomi: Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview! To start with, would you please share your testimony…
Faith, Hope, and Love
Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father (1 Thessalonians 1:3). This verse caught my eye during my personal Bible study recently. I found encouragement and a challenge in it that I’d like to share with you today. The Lord presents here such a beautiful picture of the Christian life—a life where faith results in good works, where love motivates us to labor long, and where hope produces patience as we believe the promises of God and eagerly await the return of our Lord Jesus! Work of Faith We know…
He Knows
I’m a planner. I like to plan my day, my week, my year, my life… you get the idea! However, as some of you are probably thinking already, I have learned that life is not something you can neatly plan. And as time goes on, there are three words I say more and more often in my mind, “I don’t know.” That can be a scary, overwhelming place to be. But it is also a sweet place to be when you draw closer to the One Who knows all things. Today, I want to offer you comfort and encouragement in your life. I want to share with you what the…
Great is His Faithfulness!
Hello, friends! Today’s post is a bit of a combination—a special Thanksgiving devotional. This time of year, I love to count the many blessings God has given me, and to think about the countless ways that He’s been so good to me. I’d like to share a few specific testimonies of His faithfulness with you, and my prayer is that these testimonies will inspire you to see His hand of love and mercy in your life as well! One year of blogging. Last year, I started out on a new adventure. I’d never done anything like it before, and had absolutely no clue how to create a website! The first…
An Anchored Heart
When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I (Psalm 61:4). An overwhelmed heart…something I’m sure we all know! That one little part of us can carry such a whirlwind of emotions! Joy, sorrow, pain, fear, hope, anxiety, disappointment, peace, discouragement; the list could go on. The question is, what do we do with an overwhelmed heart? Do we have to live our lives controlled by our tumultuous emotions? Or can we walk in victory in spite of our changeful feelings? These days, it’s often considered a virtuous thing to expose our every emotion. The world’s mantra is “follow your heart.” However, this is…